Athens, a palimpsest
Thursday, 20 October 2022
Athens has emerged through centuries of transformations of its space, as successive civilizations leave their non-fading traces. The city is likened to an urban and historical palimpsest (from Greek "pali" = again + "psao" = scratch) in which, from antiquity to the present day, generations of people scrape off the works of their ancestors to leave their own imprint on the same urban canvas, which the following ones will come to overwrite. An eternal succession and repetition of people, projects and experiences...
The Center for Culture, Research and Documentation of the Bank of Greece is organising an Interdisciplinary Meeting on Thursday, October 20, 2022 with the theme "Athens, a palimpsest". Our speakers, renowned experts in the fields of Archaeology, Architecture and Urban Planning, Economics, Philology, Sociology, Urban History and Journalism, will present their own readings of the city's palimpsest.
For further information: 210 320 3558.
To book your attendance, please visit Registrations until Tuesday, October 18, 2022
To book your attendance, please visit Registrations until Tuesday, October 18, 2022